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Douglas Dean

Current PictureNot Available
LocationSan Diego CA
Married (y/n)Yes
ChildrenDaughter 1999
Son 2002
Current PositionManager at Nokia
E-Maildougdean@enfieldhigh85.com or dougdean@san.rr.com.com
Personal web siteThe CA Deans
1985 - Present Highlights
1990 - Started working as a Boilermaker out of Local 29
1991 - Married Tammy King from Bristol, CT and moved to Franklin, MA
1993 - Bought our first house in Uxbridge, MA
1996 - Finished B.A. at Worcester State College and started working for State Street Bank
1997 - Started working for SystemSoft corporation, a dot com, as a software test engineer
1998 - Moved to back to Franklin, MA
1999 - Kaitlyn was born in February, I started working for Nokia as a test engineer and received my MBA from Bryant College
2002 - Devin was born in September
2003 - Moved to San Diego, CA